The Adventure Center

Programs for Adults 18+

The Children's Adventure Center

Programs for Children 3-21

Respite Care

Caring for a child with a disability can be overwhelming at times. Respite services are a means for parents to take a break by providing supervision for a child on an occasional or short-term basis. Respite can be set up on a regular basis or can be used when there is a family emergency. For example, respite can be used for a regularly scheduled “date night” for mom and dad or when the family needs to spend time with another family member that is hospitalized. The goal is to provide relief for the caregiver and reduce stress. Respite cannot be:
· used with paid caregivers
· delivered in order to allow the parent to work
· used for over 14 consecutive days

Other Services

Behavioral Intervention

Interdisciplinary Training

Family Training

Family Education

Community Based Support

Crisis Intervention

Respite care

Therapeutic Consultation